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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Create that personal touch to your child's bedroom walls or door you can also use this lettering for your laundry, bathroom or game room door.You can choose to have them decoupaged or simply painted, with Velcro or ribbon to secure them to doors or walls.

Sample of completed letters

Pricing for each letter at 1/4" thickness

*All letters subject to availability

4" = $8.00 6" = $10.00 8" = $12.00

10" = $14.00 12" = $16.00

14" = $18.00 16" = $20.00

Letter Sizing Information

The letter height you order is based on the uppercase letter "A" of the font you specify. Some uppercase/lowercase letters are shorter (or taller) than the height you specify on the order form so that they will look porportionate to each other.**Please see 'WOODEN LETTER FONTS' slide show for font choices.


Are a great way to add personality and charm to any room in your home.

* These particular 12x12" tiles are $25.00 each
**6" Easel an additional $8.00
***Also available 6x6" tile = $15.00
**** Tile colors based upon availability on request.
***** Prices will vary depending on the amount of wording and the size of the lettering and the size of the tile.


Home decor signs are a great way to add personality and elegance to any room in your home. A home decor accessory that is sure to please the eye and gladden the heart.

* This particular fully completed decorative 6" x 18" sign would be $25.00
** Prices dependant upon the size of the wooden board and the amount and size of the lettering
*** Price quotes can be given upon query or order


'Heart of Winter' x 4 = $12.00 - SOLD

* Card items will come with white envelope and each card is blank inside

Friday, March 7, 2008


There are so many wonderful ways to use for vinyl lettering. From walls, doors, wooden boards, photo frames, tile, glass, paper products. There are also numerous ways in which to display vinyl, whether it be home decals to keep year round, for seasonal or wall sayings, to say that something special for a birthday or special occasion, for signage for an upcoming garage sale or simply to personalize your nursery or play room. There are countless ways to capture your favorite quotes, phrases and verses. Vinyl lettering has endless possiblities when it comes to home embellishing.

* This particular 30"x 8" wall display = $25.00

**Vinyl does not peel the paint away but it can not be reused once adhered

*** Prices vary depending on size and number of colors in lettering